Sunday, January 9, 2011

17 weeks

Pregnancy Highlights

How far along: 17 weeks
Size of baby: Baby H is the size of my palm and weighs about 5 ounces.
Total weight gain/loss: Not sure..will know in 2 weeks
.Maternity clothes: I am beginning to wear them! Especially the pants.
Gender: You are a GIRL!! We are working hard on your name!
Movement: I have definitly felt you move in there. You are moving all around!
Sleep: Okay.. my back still hurts a lot but I love my body pillow.
Cravings: I am loving some icee's, ice cream and fruit.
What I miss: Not one thing! Maybe a drink or two.
Symptoms: Some sharp pains at times and really just my back.
Best moment this week: I got my first "You're pregnant" comment at the grocery store this weekend. sweet friend Kim also made her a precious smocked bib. It is adorable and I LOVE it. I know she will look precious in it. Thanks Kim!

1 comment:

Sherry Sumners said...

your glowing.. love the updates.. can't wait to see you friday!!!!! Kim is the best.. can't wait to see that sweet baby girl in that bib!! I hope you are.. let me rephrase...i know you are enjoying your snow day!!! take care of yourself