Sunday, March 6, 2011

25 weeks.

Pregnancy Highlights

How far along: 25 weeks- the 6th month- I feel like I look huge.. it must be the camera angle!  =)
Size of baby: Baby H is just over 1 1/2 lbs and around 9 inches long
Total weight gain/loss: So far, I have gained a total of 6 lbs since my last dr. visit.
Maternity clothes: I love them! I guess I've waited so long to wear them that I actually enjoy them. =)
Movement: You are a very active little girl. I can feel you move all throughout they day and it's the best feeling in the world. We can see you move inside my belly and its neat to see it moving all around.
Sleep: Pretty good!
Cravings: Pretty much the same.. icee's, ice cream and fruit and pickles. I'm pretty much hungry all the time!
What I miss: Not one thing!
Symptoms: My back aches and I've just started getting leg those things hurt!! My calves are soo sore!
Best moment this week: Daddy has begun to feel you move and we love seeing you move around in there.  What an amazing feeling.. babies are definitely miracles from God!
I also made you a ribbon board for your room to hang pictures and notes on.  My friend, Mel was my inspiration and I think it turned out pretty cute.  I can't wait to hang it!

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