Sunday, December 9, 2012

Pictures with Santa and a Temper Tantrum..

Friday, I was off because I  had to take my glucose test that morning.  We decided to take B to have her picture made with Santa when I got home.  I knew she probably wasn't going to cooperate but we had to have the screaming picture as a keepsake.  And..that's just what we got.  The quality is awful in this picture.. so bad that her dress that is hot pink printed RED and by the time they figured out how to fix the problem, they needed B to re-take the picture.  But, Santa was on break for an hour and we weren't waiting.  So, hopefully we can go back and try again.  Frustrating.. but oh well..
What a difference a year makes..

This cutie pie also gave us a scare on Saturday.  Oh my.. we were on our way out the door to run some errands and little miss was mad and not wanting to cooperate.  I had come back in the house for a quick minute to get something and she got mad and threw herself on the floor.  When I looked at her, her eyes rolled back in her head and she wasn't making a sound. Freaked. Me. Out.  I immediately ran to grab her and when I did she was like a rag doll. I was screaming to call 911 and by the time we got them on the phone she had come too and was crying.  I didn't know what in the world had happened.  Once I calmed downed and she was okay, I told the dispatcher not to send anyone that I thought she was ok and I would call the pediatrian's office.  The sweet nurse called me right back and when I told her what all had happened, she said, "Well, ma'am you've just experienced your first temper tantrum."  I said.. What??  I called 911 about a temper tantrum and she said babies can do that as young as 6 mo -3 years.  She also said sometimes they will turn blue from holding their breath and just pass out.  But, thankfully it only lasts about a minute and the body won't let them stay that way for long.  It seemed like forever and I sure hope that never happens again.  Scared the life out of me.  And, yes just in case you are wondering.. I did do that when I was little too.  Mom said I am reliving her days.  Ha.  Looks like payback is here. =(   
Please pray for us ya'll.. looks like we're gonna have our hands full.

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