Sunday, June 2, 2013

What we've been up too..

I feel like May came and went really fast... do you?  I can't believe its June and that means birthday month for Burkleigh Ann!! Yay!  In a few weeks, we will be celebrating our sweet girl turning 2.  Every time I think about the girls growing up I always remember the Kenny Chesney song "Don't Blink" and how true that song is.  Sometimes the days are long but the years are always short.  I can't wait to celebrate my sweet girl!  My BFF helped me make a banner and her colors this year are primary red, yellow, blue and green.  We've still got to add the letters and ribbon but we're almost there.
 *I ordered Maggie a big frame for her room to frame one of her newborn pics and it came last week.  I love it!  I can't wait to get it up.  I love to have the girls pictures made but I am the worst about getting the pictures printed or hung up.  I hate to say I have them on disk but half the time I don't do anything with them.  =( sad! I need to get better about that but there is only so much wall space.  I would love to hear any ideas you have about how to organize your pictures or what you do with them??
B loved it too.. =) Its cute and BIG!  
*I love capturing sweet moments like these of the girls..
Every morning when B gets up she always ask for sissy if I don't take M in there with me.
The other morning she wanted to climb in the bed with her while she was looking at her mobile and she just talked and talked to her.  So sweet!
I just love being a girl mom!
Sweet sisters
*Maggie has started laughing out loud and she is just so funny!  She loves her changing table and she will just smile and laugh the most there.  I can't get enough of all those deep belly laughs..just makes me smile!
*It's no secret my child LOVES to be outside and will have major meltdowns when its time to come in so we've gotten the water table out again and she is having fun getting wet!  =)
*It's gotten really hot lately but there have been a few cloudy mornings and we've enjoyed some park time.  We had a little play date with Carson one day and then the Smith boys another.  
B loves the boys!

*We've been to visit Nanny a few times too.. she's doing good!
*Sweet sisters in their matching MJ outfits.  So cute!
*B is always making us laugh..
Reading magazines and walking in daddy's shoes.. lol!

Sweet Mags is getting so big..
We had a fun Saturday playing with our sweet neighbors.. Then, we all enjoyed some homemade ice cream Yum!  Who says 5 girls isn't trouble.. =)
*And.. I'm SO ready for this show to start.  Are you a fan? We're big fans in our house.. can't wait!
Bring on summer!  Hope your June is off to a great start!

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