Sunday, January 13, 2013

IPhone Picture Dump..

Well.. this is my first post from my new MacBook!  I am still trying to figure it all out and boy is it different from my old PC.  Sigh..I know this thing is wonderful and I sure hope it changes my life.. ha but I'm having to learn a lot.  It's definitely different from what I am used to and change is not always easy so I know its gonna take some time to figure it all out.  The biggest thing is my pictures.  I photo is a lot different from Picasa where all my other pictures were stored and I'm having to sort through and try to organize.  It's really a headache but in the end I hope it will be worth it.  I have also paid for some classes at the apple store and I will be going to learn how all this works.  Any pointers from anyone? 
What do you love?
Burkleigh had her first visit to the after hours clinic last week.  She broke out in a horrible rash and we noticed it after dinner when she was getting ready to get in the tub.  It started on her knee cap.  This picture is really awful but it was super red (almost like she had gotten burned) and there were little white dots all inside it.  After the bath, it had spread all over her little body and was everywhere.  It scared me to death and when I called the nurse she told us when needed to take her in.  So, at 7:45 we left to go to Children's South.  Thankfully, it wasn't anything too bad and they told us to just give her some benadryl.  By that time, it had already started to disappear in some places and reappear in others.  Not sure what it was.. a reaction to food or just a viral rash but it's pretty much gone now.  Although it did come back today on her foot.  But, she said it wasn't hand, foot and mouth.  I guess its just one of those weird things..who knows.
A blurry pic of her in the wagon at the doctors office.
We've had a pretty low key weekend and I'm thankful for some nice 70 degree weather yesterday.  
We got to get outside and have a little wagon fun since B refused to nap.  
We went and had lunch with our friends Becca and Lily and then went to the bookstore and B fell asleep in the car and when I went to move her would have nothing to do with going back.  
Sigh.. so, it made for a long day but she was loving being outside.

Daddy went and got us an icee and she was loving it!  I think its her new favorite thing!
She also got to turn around in her car seat and I think she's loving it.  She seems to be a much happier little one in the car now and her little feet aren't so cramped either.  Yea for being a big girl!
She's really growing up fast!

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