Saturday, February 27, 2010

Happy Birthday Carter!

Today is my precious nephew's 1st birthday. I can't believe he is one. I remember the day I found out my brother and sis in law were expecting. I was on the phone with Chad and the funny thing is I had a dream the night before that they were pregnant. While I was talking to Chad, he said We have some news to tell ya'll. And, I immediately knew what it was. It was crazy that they were really pregnant. And, now he is turning one. They always say time flies when you are having fun and it surely does. They grow up too fast. Next time I see him, I bet he will be walking.. such a big boy. He is a precious baby. I can only hope that one day our child will be as good as he is. He hardly ever cries, he loves to be talked to and held. I just love to sit and watch him. He's the best sleeper.. just put him in his bed and he goes right to sleep. Wow! We love him so and can't wait till April for our family trip. Yeah!
Carter man we wished you lived closer so we could see you more. But, just know that your Aunt Katy and Uncle Jamie do love you so! Happy Birthday to you!

Friday, February 26, 2010

Best Buds

I just love this girl! Leah and I met about 6 years ago when she came to Helena to teach. We taught kindergarten right next to each other for several years until she had her little boy, Fletch and took a year off. Then, she got pregnant on her maternity leave..yes, a miracle baby, and took another year off. So, I have missed her smiling face for the past 2 years now. It's just not the same without her there. But, we got to catch up the other night when we met for dinner at Bonefish. Yummy! The bang bang shrimp were delicious too.

It felt like old times again. We don't get to see each other much, but when we do we just pick right up where we left off. She is one of those friends that you know will always be there for you no matter what! A true friend for sure. We always have a great time together and I just love her to pieces! God definitly knew what He was doing when He put Leah in my life! I couldn't have made it through many times without her. She is a precious friend and I know she always has my back! Love you Leah and can't wait to do it again!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Infertility Journey Begins...

Well.. I'm going to begin at the beginning.
This is our story...

Jamie and I met back in August of 2005. Our story is kinda crazy and for all you girls out there looking for a hubby.. I'll share my story and just maybe it will inspire you! =) We were neighbors and had been for a while. I would see Jamie out and about and I always thought he was cute but he was always quiet and shy. My neighbor, Rashel and I would always try to figure him out. We knew about when he came home from work and sometimes we would meet in the street to "spy" on him. We could see the back of his house and into his kitchen if we stood in the street. So, one day we decided that we would have a block party to get to know our neighbors. We planned this fun party that we were gonna have in Rashel's driveway as a way to try to get to know him. We made up cute cards and sent them out and what would you know.. he didn't come. That crazy boy! I later found out, that he "spied" on us from his house, but he was too shy to come down there. Then, one night I came home and there was a little mouse in my house. It was an ongoing battle in that stupid house.. so thankful I don't live there anymore, but anyway.. I had set up a trap to try and catch it and it had landed on the trap. Gross!! It was nasty.. and I am TERRIFIED of mice. So, I went to get Rashel to see if she would help me get it out. All we had to do was pick up the little sticky trap but I just couldn't do it.. it was still wiggling and squealing on there. Oh my.. it was awful! Rashel came over and tried to do it but couldn't. I didn't know what to do.. my parents weren't far away but it was kinda late at night and I hated to make them come over just to do that. So, we went up to Jamie's house and knocked on the door. We had never really met him before this time. I had seen him and would wave to him or say hey but that was about it. So, here we are 8 o'clock at night.. ringing some guy's doorbell that we really didn't know to see if he would come help us with a stupid mouse... and he did! Bless his sweet heart.. after that we got to talking and realized we had so many friend connections and it was crazy what a small world it was. We began dating and the rest is history! We were married on July 5, 2008 after 3 years of dating. And.. who would of thought it?? I would have NEVER thought I would have met my husband that way, but God sure does work in mysterious ways sometimes! I am so thankful that he came in my life and I couldn't imagine life without him. He makes life so fun and I thank God for him every day and for the blessing he is in my life!
So.. it can really happen.. when you least expect it! =)

Us in 2007.. I don't any pics from 2005 on here!

And, now the infertility journey begins. We tried for over a year to concieve before I finally went to the doctor. Most doctors will say for you to try for a least a year anyway before they will refer you to the infertility dept. So, in January I decided that something must be wrong and I wanted some answers to come questions. My ob/gyn referred me to the infertility dept. at St. Vincent's and I went in on 3 different days in January for lots of blood work, ugh! Lots of information and finally a ultrasound. I left there a little overwhelmed but feeling a lot better about things. I knew right away I was in good hands when one of the nurse's was a parent of a former child I had taught in kindergarten. Small world.. huh? Her child was in my first class at Helena, and now she is in 8th grade. Wow.. time flies.

After all my bloodwork came back, all of my levels were good except my estrogen levels. So, it was decided that I would begin taking Clomid in February. I will be on Clomid for a few months before we move to the next step in this journey and hopefully, we won't even have to do that. But, if we do.. I know that it is God's plan and I will graciously do whatever possible. Today I begin taking the Clomid and I will take it for 5 days straight. I go back to the doctor in March and we'll see what she says. I am excited, nervous and anxious to begin this journey. I know God has a plan and we can't wait until our lives are blessed with a new little bundle of joy. Please keep our family in your prayers.. it means a lot! As frustrating as this journey has already been, I am constantly reminded of this verse from Jeremiah. " For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jer. 29:11. What a powerful God we serve.. and I have complete faith in Him as we begin this journey

I love the lid.. to all my breast cancer survivor
friends.. love you!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Snow, Valentine's Day and the Casino

Friday was a snow day at school and it was one I will never forget. It actually snowed while we were at school.. and it was a lot! I have been teaching 9 years and I can't remember a time when I was at school and it snowed.. maybe it has and I just can't remember. But, needless to say my kids were beyond excited. It made for a fun Valentine's day party and an early dismissal day! I think we only got about an inch but some places got a little more. I realize this may not be much to you Notherner's but for us southern folks.. this is a big deal! =) I don't know how ya'll live in the snow.. it is so pretty to look at but I am ready for the sun and the warm weather. I don't know about ya'll but the cold is just so depressing to me!

I have to brag on my sweet hubby. He sent me beautiful flowers to school. What a nice surprise. I asked him when I got home why he picked out purple tulips and he said, "I didn't. They were supposed to be red." So, the flower people messed up but they are still pretty and I am still enjoying them. Thanks babe, for making my day. You are the best hubby and valentine ever! I love you more and more each day!

We kicked off our valentine weekend with a trip to the casinos with our good friends, Shelly and Richard. We thought the snow was going to ruin our weekend getaway, but it didn't. We had a blast..staying up till 3 am Friday night. Can't remember the last time I did that. Ha! Shelly taught me how to play Hot Hot Penny and it was fun. Jamie taught me a little about 3 card poker and I actually sat at the table like a big girl and played. Not long..but a little. I get so intimidated by all those serious gamblers. You really see it all at the casinos.. I just couldn't get over all the money you see these people just throw out like water. It was really crazy! I just wish you weren't allowed to smoke in there. That place is one big smoke pit and people do not care.. my eyes and my throat were hurting by the end of the weekend. Jamie wasn't as lucky as he usually is. We don't go that much but when we do, we always come home with a little more in our pockets. This time, we really didn't. Jamie won about $500 on one hand of poker but ended up giving most of it back. We came home with a little but it was a fun, stress free weekend. Lots of good food, good laughs and good friends!

Thanks, Powers family for the invite. We can't wait to go again!

And.. Shelly and I had to model our new boots. ha! Yes.. they are the same and no, we didn't know that. I guess great minds think alike..=) We realized this weekend we had bought the same ones. I bought mine in TN and Shelly bought hers on, really what are the odds. Too funny.. our cameras and camera bags are the same too! ha! I love it.. We are the best of friends! I'm so glad we have each other. Friends do make life such fun!

Fun times..
Hope you all had a happy Valentine's day too!