Sunday, November 25, 2012

Thanksgiving with the cousins..

My brother, SIL and kiddos were on their way back from the beach so they came to my parents Thanksgiving night.  We had one day with them which is never long enough but I'm thankful we got some time together with them.  It's harder now to see everybody now that the kids are in school all day and I'm back at work. Hopefully, we will see them at some point over the christmas holidays.

B loves her cousins.. sweet Hannah girl
Chase taught her how to ride the big wheel.  She was too funny.  She loved for him to push her and she even went down the driveway all by herself.. she has no fear!

I'm sure she was saying "Chase"here or as she says it.. "ace"
She loves her Chase man!
Even lion got a little ride too.
My brother took a few pics of our sweet girl.. 

And.. this was the best one we could get with Mimi and all the kiddos.
When we tried to get Pop in the picture, no one would cooperate.  It's pretty comical trying to get four kids and 2 adults to all look at the camera at once.  Ha. Who knew it would be so hard.  
Then, after about 20 takes the camera card got full and we just gave up.
Oh well.. good memories! 

A Thankful Thanksgiving..

What a difference a year makes...
Burkleigh, 5 months and 17 months and we got 2 years out of this dress and hopefully sissy will get some too!  =)

We had a great Thanksgiving with family at my parents house.  
My dad went to Selma to spend thanksgiving with his mom and sister and we stayed here with my nanny, and uncle Pheaton and aunt Patti and girls from Huntsville.  B loved playing with Carson and of course she was eating up all the attention from Nanny.  She loves her nanny and can say nanny now.  Mom has been taking care of Nanny too and she's been staying with my parents for the past few months so B has been seeing her Nanny a lot. 
I am very thankful for these two sweet women who take such good care of my child and me!
I don't know what I would do without them.  
I'm so thankful for my sweet girl who makes life so fun and I'm so thankful that God has blessed us with another little angel girl to add to our sweet family.
I'm thankful for this awesome daddy that B gets to grow up with and thankful that he puts up with me even in my craziness.
I'm thankful for a job that I love and a community to raise my child in that I love.
I'm thankful for our health and for a roof over my head and food on the table.
She loved the turkey the best!
I'm thankful for friends and family that are always there for us no matter what.
The dessert was the best part though!
I'm thankful for a God that knows whats best for us even when we don't see it.
I'm thankful for all the men and women who are serving our country for us.
I'm thankful for loving grandmothers who are such an inspiration.
I'm thankful for all the things I have and to have a hard working husband.
I'm thankful for all the memories that we make each day with my sweet girl.
Life is too short.. Enjoy every moment.

26 weeks..

Well.. I just can't seem to keep up this go round.  I'm  26 weeks now  but i didn't have a cute little 26 weeks sticker so I just used the 24 weeks one.  I forgot to take my pic 2 weeks ago.  
What's been going on..
Pregnancy Highlights
How far along: 26 weeks

Size of baby: Baby H is about 1 lb. and 2/3 and is 14 inches long 

Total weight gain/loss: I went to the doctor a week or so ago and I had gained 4  lbs.. not sure the total.. maybe 8 now.

Maternity clothes:  I can still wear some of my bigger shirts and I'm loving my leggings, long shirts and sweaters and boots for now.

Gender: It's a GIRL!!! Yay!  We are still working on your name.. I think we are almost there but I'm not sure.. =)

Movement: You are a mover and a kicker!  I LOVE it.  You are very active!  

Sleep: Pretty good..I love my noodle pillow

Cravings:  not much.. but some sweets and ice cream and milkshakes.

What I miss: Not much...

Symptoms: I feel pretty good!

Best moment this week:  We tell Burkleigh all the time about sissy and she loves to pull my shirt up and give sissy kisses. It is so sweet even though she doesn't know what's about to rock her world.. =) I can't believe time is sneaking up on us.  I go back in 2 weeks for my glucose test.  

Monday, November 19, 2012

Burkleigh Ann is 17 months old..

You are 17 months!
You weigh 23 lbs and not sure how tall you are.
You wear a size 4 diaper and 12-18 mo clothes and a size 5-6 shoe.
You were a good napper until recently.  You've decided you don't need those and you meltdown around 5 if you haven't taken one.  I'm hoping this phase will soon pass.
I will be glad when you can talk and you can tell us what you want instead of whining and fussing.
You can pitch some fits..that's for sure!
You still give me fits every time I try to change your clothes or your diaper.  Whew!  
You are a pretty good sleeper.  You are usually in bed between 8 and 9 and will sleep till around then.  Lately, you've been waking up and crying and won't go back to sleep until you are in bed with us.
You do sleep so much better when you are in the bed with  us.  You actually sleep through the night.  
You love to look at pictures on our phones or on the walls.  You really love your who loves burkleigh book.
You will point to all the people when we say their name.
You are trying to say some words and you said Chase.  
You love him.
You can do patty cake.
You can blow kisses.
You can climb up and down steps (at mimi and pop's house) and Mimi taught you how to come down backwards.  You love to play on the steps.
You can blow kisses and you give some sweet kisses too.
You love suckers and anything sweet.
You love to drink out of a real cup and you do okay as long as its not real full.
You love to play with coins and wallets.  You will empty the cards out of our wallets and carry those around and play.
You like to play with the utensils in the dishwasher too.
You are a funny girl!
You like to open and close doors and hide toys behind them.
You do not like for us to put our feet on the couch.  You like for them to be on a certain spot on the floor so you can put your toys behind them.
You love to put things inside things.
You like to play with your puzzles and your blocks.
You have the funniest, little laugh and you think your daddy is pretty funny when he reads Bingo to you.
You got sick this past month with a fever virus and then it turned into roseola and you broke out in a rash.
You threw up twice in the night..your first time to do that.
You love to dance.. you crack us up with your dance moves!
You've started spinning around in circles too.  ha
You love giving high fives.
You love to be held and I think you would let me hold you all day if I could.
You are growing up fast and learning so much. We love to watch you learn and grow.
You are going to be a great big sister.  You love to point to mommy's belly and give "sissy" kisses.  You love babies!
I am so proud to be your mommy and we are so very thankful for you.
You are the light of our lives! 
We love you sweet girl!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Grandma's 90th birthday celebration..

This past weekend, we headed to Atlanta for a big birthday celebration for my precious grandmother. She is just the cutest little thing and I was so glad we all got to be a part of it.  It was like a big family reunion with my dad's side of the family that we don't get to see that often.  I think we said it had been almost 5 years since we had all gotten together.  Wow.. too long!  We had a big lunch at my Aunt Susan's house and we all ate, and ate and ate.  The food was delicious.. yummy barbecue, tons of sides, tons of desserts and my favorite... white chocolate bread pudding and homemade ice cream.  It was the perfect day.. the weather was so nice and the kids all had a blast playing together outside.  My aunt has a great backyard! We also celebrated Jamie's birthday which was Friday, my grandmother's which was Sunday and today is my brother's.  So, it was a weekend of birthdays!  So fun!  I hope we can do it again sooner rather than later.
Happy birthday to three amazing people.. I'm so thankful you all are in my life!
sweet cousins.. love this two

our little family
grandma with all 10 of her great grands
Loves her chase!
Love my sweet grandma

Happy b'day chad, daddy and grandma
B and daddy
Love this one.

Hannah and B.. she was feeding her yummy ice cream!
she was drinking sweet tea from a cup then she spilled half of it 
on her but she was having a blast dancing.
dancing with her chase
Sweet cousins..minus carter.. he didn't want to participate.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

More Halloween..

Burkleigh had a blast Halloween night.  Our sweet friends, Becca, Kyle and Lily came over to trick or treat with us and I wasn't sure how B was going to do.  She loved it though! She walked almost the the whole way and pushed lion.  We ended up going farther than I thought because the girls did so good and were having fun.  My parents came over too and Dad ended up carrying her most of the way back but she didn't fuss or cry the whole night. The girls were the cutest little pink puppies! It was a fun night!