Thursday, September 10, 2009

Couch Potato to Runner...


In 9 weeks..what do you think??

Well, in my motivation to get fit I have decided to try a new fitness program. So, we'll see how it goes. I have also signed up to run in the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure in Oct. and I don't have very long to get in shape! One of my goals is to be able to run the whole 5K this year. We'll see how that goes...I tried it last year but I ended up walking more than running. Then, I heard about this neat program -from coach potato to 5K and in just 9 weeks it gives you week by week training tips on how to change from a slop or aka couch potato into a runner. Check out this site for more info It says not to push the program but I don't have 9 weeks so I am going to have to double up on some of the weeks. YIKES...what was I thinking?? But, I'm going to try really hard. (Shelly, I'm counting on you to hold me accountable and be my running buddy!) =) Also, if anyone would like to sign up to join our team, we would love to have you race with us. Our team name is Sweet Melissa's K Crew. We will be running in honor of a co-worker and dear friend who was diagnosed this summer with breast cancer, Melissa Jarrell. We know she is a fighter and we are praying for her each day to Beat this! Much love to you MJ! My thoughts and prayers are with you each day! XOXO


melanie said...

You can do it, chick!! I know you can. Unfortunately, it will take this couch potato a lot longer than 9 weeks. I'll be walking!

Christy said...

So glad you are a blogger! Love the new house...I am sure you have it decorated to a tee:-)

Melissa said...

thanks Katy...if I can walk you can run! I may need to find a little red wagon to ride in LOL