*I've been trying to get birthday stuff done and ordered for Burkleigh's 1st birthday party. My to do list seems to be getting longer and longer.
*I'm working on a DVD slide show and it has taken me forever to figure out how to make it and then my computer savvy brother came to my rescue and told me how easy it was to just use the DVD program that came with my computer.. really??? who knew it came with one? Not me.. but I do now and it is really easy. I'll be doing these every year on her birthday as keepsakes for our little family. Love!!
*I'm also making her a baby book on shutterfly and I'm hoping to have it done so I can have it at the party. I've got lots to do..
*I've been a little sad about having to go back to work next year. I definitely have mixed feelings about it but I'm hoping it will be a good change for all of us. B will be in good hands.. with my mom and my sister in law so that makes it a little easier but its still not gonna be easy. Don't get me wrong.. there are many days where I wish I was working but many more days I'm thankful to be a stay at home mom. I'm just gonna try not to think about until August.
* I enrolled B in mothers day out for the summer and fall and she starts right after her first birthday and will go 2-3 days a week in the summer for 6 weeks and then start back in the fall going 2 days a week to give Mimi a little break. I'm hoping this summer will help transition her for the fall and will give me some time to work in my classroom and get it all ready again.
*Our neighborhood has been building more houses lately and our little culdesac is getting lots of new hosues. I know this is selfish but I'm praying for a family with little ones so B will have some friends nearby and I'm really trying to talk some of our sweet friends into moving in next to us. It would be so fun!
*I've been missing my niece and nephews in Ohio and wishing they were closer. Hoping to see them soon!
*I really need some new spring/summer clothes but I am still not where I want to be weight wise and I don't like buying clothes right now. I'm trying to get my butt in gear. There are some really cute things out there. Why does it have to be so hard?? Geez...
*So.. I got the app myfitness pal and I love it. It really helps you be accountable for what you are eating and it tells you how many calories everything is. Its so neat! I love it!
*I got these super cute flip flops at the loft a few weeks ago and I love them. They are now my go to shoes and they go with everything.
*I'm thankful that Jamie is off this week so B can have some extra daddy time and I can get some things done that I don't usually get to do.
*I just finished reading Nicholas Sparks latest book, The Best of Me. It took me forever to read it. I just can't find the time like I used to to be able to read and that makes me sad. I love a good book. Like always, it didn't disappoint and I'm ready for his newest movie, The Lucky One to come out. I am a big Nicholas Spark fan.
*I can't tell you how long its been since I've been to the movies. Seriously..too long. Jamie and I need a date night soon so we can see The Hunger Games. He read all the books so he is anxious to see it.
*I am loving this weather we have been having although now I have a nasty springtime cold and it is just annoying. My nose is just dripping and its no fun! I wish it would go away!
*I'm excited to take B to the zoo today. It will be her first time. Yay!
*I really wish I had a maid.. seriously.. how does this house always seem to stay dirty and messy!! I will be getting me one come August when I go back to work. I will be treating myself for sure!
*I still can't believe in less than 2 months I will have a one year old. I know everybody says it but where did the time go?? It flew...
*I am loving the new season of Guilliana and Bill. Are you watching? I just love them so much and pray that one day she will have a little baby to love. I heard on the Today show this morning that they have a special annoucement that will make a lot of people happy! I can't wait to hear what it is!! I'm guessing.. adoption but who knows.
* This post from
Kelly's Korner and was just what I needed to read. If you don't already read her (I'm sure you all do) you should. Love her!
*I've been trying to think of soft things that B can eat. She doesn't want her baby food at all. I would love some suggestions from all the mommy's out there of their kids favorite things. She only has her 2 front teeth so anything soft. She's been eating what we are eating but not very much of it. She loves all her snacks though.
*I need to do better about taking vitamins. I feel so sluggish and some days I feel like I have no energy. I guess I need a B 12 pill. Any suggestions??
*Yesterday was my daddy's birthday. Happy Birthday to the best daddy in the world. We love you!
Happy Friday everyone! Hope your weekend is great! We're gonna spend our Friday like we normally do cooking out and watching Shark Tank. Our favorite show!