Thursday, July 11, 2013


I still can't believe I have a 2 year old...well, until the fit throwing starts and then I remember real quick.  ha!  ;)   These days you are into your baby dolls and pushing the stroller and feeding them.  I LOVE it!
We took you toys r us last week to spend your b'day money from your sweet friend Lily (who we miss terribly) and you chose this stroller and baby you are pushing in the picture.   Thanks Lily!  B loves you!  She came with a potty too and she really goes to the potty.  I'm hoping this will help with potty training in a few months.  
You brought your baby with us to lunch and sat at the table and fed her like a good little mama.
You also got a new playset from your Mimi and Pops for your b'day and you are quite obsessed with it.  YOu want to go outside and stay outside ALL day!  You love the slide and and the swing.  It also came with a little see-saw and daddy hasn't put that up just yet.

You are still the happiest when you are outside playing.
You loved going to Aldridge G@rdens and feeding the ducks.
You are still a tiny little girl.  You weighed 25 lbs at your 2 year checkup.
You are still wearing size 4 diapers.
You can wear 18 mo- 24 mo. clothes.
You wear a size 6-7 shoe.  Mostly 7's.. your foot has grown already from May!
You are still a good sleeper but you put a fight almost every day for nap and bedtime but you usually go right on to sleep.  You still take one afternoon nap for about 2 hrs, sometimes a little more.
I try to have you in the bed by 8:30 and you will usually sleep till then in the am.
YOu are really starting to talk a lot more and repeat things we ask you to say.
You understand everything we are telling you but sometimes you don't always verbalize it.
You know how to get what you want.. you grab our hands and take us to what you want.  I tell you all the time to use your words.. I know it's coming!  
You are really into your ABC's and you know almost all of them.
You work your ABC puzzle several times a day and when I ask you to find a letter, you usually do.
You love going to the mall to ride the train. You are not a big shopper just yet.  :)
You love gymboree, barney, dancing, listening to music,  reading your books, playing outside, going to your mimi's house, playing in my makeup, playing with my bracelets.  You are even getting better about wearing your hairbows and you like to get new shoes now.  You used to pitch fits.
THank you Mrs. McCown for the book.  She loves it. =)
I'm so glad you love your books. This picture just makes my teacher heart smile.  
You love to read and you love for us to read to you and we do everyday!
Your favorite books right now are: ABC's, Three Little Pigs,  Goodnight, I love you, Pat the bunny, and all the Karen Katz books.
YOu are such a good big sissy too and you love to sit in sissy's things.
Most mornings when you wake up you say "Where's Da-da" and then "Where's sissy" if I don't bring sissy in there with me to get you.  You want me to get her and put her in your bed with you every morning.  It really is the sweetest thing.. already that sisterly bond!
On your birthday, you LOVED for me to sing the happy birthday song to you.  You asked for it over and over and we even blew out the candles on your little pretend cake. You were too funny! I'm so glad you liked it.

You are not a huge breakfast eater in the mornings and you will eat some but not much. You love your orange juice though.  But, by lunch time you are always asking for "num num" and making the eat sign.  You are a good lunch eater and you love some chocolate cookies and suckers.  Really..anything sweet you love!
Your hair is finally long enough to put in a ponytail and it looks so cute.  I got a few little small rubber bands and clips and you had the best time playing in all of it.  YOu are such a sweet and smart little girl...despite the no's you seem to say daily.  ha! You make us laugh all the time and I am constantly telling you how funny you are.  You make life so much fun and I'm so thankful I get to be your mommy.  I hope you know how much we love you love bug!  

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