Sunday, March 21, 2010

Take Two..

Friday I went to the doctor to see how things were progressing. I had an ultrasound done and they found 2 small cysts from the clomid (that is one of the side effects) but she said they were not of too much concern since they were small. So, round one of clomid didn't work but we get to start round two this month as well. I have several friends who have been through this same process and so many of them have said they didn't even get to do two months in a row of the meds because of the cysts. So, I'm glad that we can continue the journey and not have to wait another month. If all goes well next week, I will also get an HCG shot to help me ovualte and then we'll see what happens from there. Please continue to pray for our family and our little one in the making. I cannot tell you how many of you have sent me a message or an email telling me your stories as well. It is so comforting to know that others are out there praying for us and have been through the same thing. It is really neat to see God work and He has definitly brought people in my life for a reason and at the right time. Thank you for all your kind words and encouragement.. it means a lot. I am so emotional right now. My hormones are going crazy and I feel like I cry all the time. My poor hubby.. I know I am hard to live with but I'm so glad he has been understanding.. for the most part. =) It has to get better and I am eager to continue to see God's hand at work. In the meantime, I will continue to remember this scripture and know that God has a plan!

Thanks Mel for the precious hand towel.. I love it and I love you!
And.. who's ready for the premiere of Dancing with the Stars tomorrow night?
I am soo excited! Can't wait to see Kate Gosselin and Jake! ha!!


Bre said...

Praying for you friend. God has the perfect plan, but its always his timing and not ours that makes it hard. Keep the faith and he will bless you!

Christy said...

I am praying and thinking about you! April's girls night out will be here soon...can't wait! Love you!!!

LT (and Max) said...

thanks for the sweet comment! i clicked on your blog and immediately heard sugarland... we, ABSOLUTELY would be friends. :)
oh, and by the way, i highly recommend p90x. it's a love/hate relationship really.
this is my first time on your blog, but by this post, i'm able to see that you're in need of a prayer today. consider it done.

melanie said...

Always praying for you! I'm glad you love the towel. :) Just remember to serve the Lord while you wait. Everyday is full of it's own blessings. Don't overlook even one! God has a plan for you that is even better than your own so trust Him and serve Him and be happy! Love you too, girl!