Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Tomorrow's the big day..

We might find out this:

or this:

I am so excited, anxious, and nervous!! I go for my 15 week ultrasound visit tomorrow and there is a good chance that we can already know the sex of little one and I'm praying we do! I already have plans for how we are going to tell the family on Christmas Eve/Day and I hope we get to do it! If not, I'll be as excited in January as I am now. But, it will definilty make for an unforgettable Christmas! I just really want to see little one on the screen! I haven't had an ultrasound since I was 7 weeks and all I saw was a little peanut so I am hoping to see a baby this time! =) Since Jamie can't go with me, the plan is for me to turn my head if she can tell and we will open it together tomorrow night. (I sure hope I stick with the plan.) I will post the news Christmas day if we find out. I'm hoping for the best Christmas present ever! Merry Christmas to you and your family!

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