Thursday, January 27, 2011

Pickles and Ice Cream..

I always wondered if I would crave pickles and ice cream and I guess it's true. I have been wanting these two things a lot lately, which is a little weird.  Especially, the pickles.  I like pickles but I have never been one to just go out and buy them..sweet pickles to be exact.  I have craved ice cream this whole time, but that's nothing new.  I am a huge ice cream person and could eat it all the time.  It is so weird what pregnancy does to your senses and your taste buds.  I'm just wondering.. how many of you craved these two things too? 


Bre said...

I craved pickles and icees with Carter and big macs with Bentley.

Sherry Sumners said...

I ate tons of pickled okra, cherry tomatoes, and ice cream every night.....pregnancy is funny!!