Monday, April 22, 2013

Burkleigh Ann is 22 months old..

Wow! Time needs to slow down. Can't believe my little girl will be 2 in just 2 months.  But, I have to say each stage of toddlerhood gets better and better.. except the tantrums.  =(  Those seem to happen around here at least once a day.  If everyone says three is worse, wow.. I'm gonna be in for it. You've already hit the "terrible twos"

I'm not sure of your stats.  I have no clue how much you weigh or how tall you are.  You haven't been to the dr. in months and that is a good thing!  Thank goodness for my healthy child.  We're not ones to frequent the pediatrician these days.  You go back at 2 years so we'll find out then your stats.
You are beginning to talk more these days.. yay!  You say no mama, where is it, what dat, more, book, i know i know, sissy, mimi, dada, pop, milk, ball, night night, side for outside, knee, bye bye, what, where(and you throw those hands out), dat (as you point to what you want), yes, no, hey.

You are a funny little girl.  You constantly make us laugh.  When I ask you if you need clean pants, you always so "no, no" and wave your little hand at me.
YOu love to climb.  Recently you turned your PB chair into a jungle gym.  You turned it upside down and started climbing up and sliding/jumping off  of it.  You are a little dare devil.

You have gotten several little boo-boos on your knees because you have no fear and end up getting hurt but you usually don't cry.  YOu are a tough girl.
You did chip on of your front teeth though and I hate to say it but I really don't know how it happened. =(  You've had a little black eye too from playing so rough with your cousins.

You LOVE your sissy and she loves you too.  You entertain her and she just watches and watches you.
You are on a good little schedule.  You sleep from 8:30-9 pm to 8:30-9am and then go down for a nap around 1-2 and will sleep for about 2 1/2-3 hours.  You have decided you want everything in your bed with you.  You have two little pillows, a blanket, 2 bunny lovies, another lovie, several stuffed animals, a baby and sometimes you want to take your books to bed too.

You Love your books and your favorites right now are: Goodnight Moon, Eric Carle's ABC book, Sleepy baby, In Grandma's Arms, I Love You.  We pretty much have to read them all before bedtime and you like for mommy to put you to bed.
You LOVE to be outside and want to go outside every day and you would live out there if we could.  Sometimes you have a meltdown if its time to come in and you're not ready.

You wake up most days saying "bye bye mommie" and you want to get in the car.  So, we usually go somewhere in the am.  You still love gymboree and go every Wednesday morning and sometimes we go on Fridays too.
You are doing this funny thing now when I walk out of a room and you don't know where I am you will say in this sweetest little voice, Ma-ma"  (like where did you go) until I tell you where I am.

You are a curious little thing and you don't miss a thing.  You love your name puzzle and know B and M for Burkleigh and Maggie.

You are a pretty good eater too but you love snacks and could snacks all day.

You are loving to color and you have finally learned to not eat the crayons.  =)

YOu love your sweet friend, Lily.  I'm so sad that in just a few weeks they will be moving to Dallas and it will be a long time before we see each other again.  =( tears, tears!!

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