Maggie Charles you are 2 months old!
You are a sweet sweet baby!!
You weigh 11 lbs. 2 oz. and you are 21' long.
Burkleigh was 10 lbs 8 oz. and 22 3/4' long.
You wear size 1 diapers.
You are in 0-3 month clothes but I still love for you to wear your little gowns too.
Those are my favorite things! They are so soft and sweet.
YOu love to watch your big sissy and she loves to talk to you.
You just stare at her and smile. Its too sweet.
You are cooing and oohing some. Love those little baby sounds.
You are a sweet, sweet baby during the day and then at night the "witching" hour begins and you will scream and scream. I keep telling myself, "this too shall pass"
You are on reflux meds like sissy was and we've had to adjust that so thankfully I think you are beginning to make improvements on the new medicine and I also swapped bottles to see if that would help too and I think it has. You aren't near as fussy at night as you used to be.
You took your first stroller ride without your car seat and of course you loved it.
You love to be outside like sissy did.
You are drinking about 3-4 oz of formula (the expensive kind) every 2-3 hours.
Lately, you've wanted to eat more.. growth spurt I guess.
I am trying my best to follow the moms on call schedule for 0-3 months old and a toddler and you are doing pretty well. Nighttime seems to be the hardest part..whew!
Your last feeding is usually around 7-8 and you will sleep anywhere from midnight-3 am.
You usually just get up once in the night around 2-3 am and then again between 6-7am.
You try to talk to your little friends on your bouncy and swat at them.
You love your paci and that helps to calm you down.
You do pretty good in the car too and I'm so thankful for that.
Sissy was not the best car rider.. =(
You have been out to lunch several times with mommy and we took you out to dinner too.
You were a little fussy but you did pretty good.
YOu are smiling some but of course not in any pictures.
You love for me to hold you and rock you.
You have started to like your swing and you LOVE your rock n play.
Thank goodness for that! It is a must have for sure.
You still sleep in that at night in our room.
Maybe next month, I'll move you to your room.
You have to sleep elevated just like B did so laying down flat in your crib just won't work for now.
Here's the comparison to Burkleigh at 2 months:
Burkleigh looks bigger, but really Maggie is. I see some resemblance but not a lot.
B looks just like her daddy and Maggie looks just like me!
What do you think?
Happy 2 months sweet girl. We love you so!
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